1.9 Boiler Room Valves

1.9.1 Zawory różnicy ciśnień, upustowe

1. DU144 Automatic Bypass Valve
The DU144 automatic bypass valve controls water flow in the heating circuit according to the water pressure across it and is used to maintain a minimum flow rate through the boiler and to limit ciruclation pressure when other water paths are closed....
2. DU145 Różnicowy zawór upustowy
Różnicowy zawór upustowy DU145 utrzymuje ciśnienie wytwarzane przez pompę w instalacjach grzewczych na stałym poziomie i redukuje hałas wywołany przepływem wody, zwłaszcza na skutek dławienia tego przepływu przez zawory grzejnikowe. Dzięki...
3. DU146 Automatic bypass and differential pressure valve with differential pressure indicator
The DU146 automatic bypass and differential pressure valve is used to maintain a constant differential pressure in a heating system. It reduces flow noise in a system, particularly as thermostatic radiator valves are closed. The boiler return temperature...
4. DU146 M Automatic bypass and differential pressure valve for district heating systems
The DU146 M automatic bypass and differential pressure valve is used to maintain a constant differential pressure in a heating system. It reduces flow noise in a system, particularly as thermostatic radiator valves are closed. The boiler return...